Destinations Vietnam
Our Vietnam tour begins and ends in Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City), so you need to arrange return flights. The Vietnam tour used to begin and end in Bangkok, but now we visit more destinations and so we spend all 15 nights in Vietnam. If you wish to visit Bangkok (it is the Coloured Gem capital of the world!) you may be able to join us either before or after your Vietnam tour. There is no guarantee that I can accommodate a tour extension to include Bangkok, so if you plan on visiting, please let me know as soon as possible.
Your tour cost is from $2900 per person and includes all accommodation, transfers and internal flights.
We do a lot of flying in Vietnam as it is a very long country, think of driving from Mackay to Melbourne!
Vietnam has a rich cultural, food and gemstone heritage, although the gemstone industry is relatively new and underdeveloped, especially compared to Thailand. However this offers many opportunities to buy fabulous gems at very good prices. We have plenty of time in Vietnam to explore the culture and history as well as searching for gems.